The Withrow CTO Award 2024

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Signup Deadline: 11-29-2023
Starts: 04-08-2024
Ends: 04-08-2024


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***Important:***  If you are from Montana, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Texas, or Tennessee, you are not eligible to apply for this award.  Our state chapter in your state runs a parallel state awards program.  The winner of that state award automatically is considered for the national award.  We encourage you to apply for that state award.

CoSN’s Withrow CTO Award recognizes an exceptional district CTO who serves as a true technology champion and whose leadership has been transformative for their school system. The award honors Frank Withrow, a pioneer and champion of K-12 education technology.

Chief Technology Officers (or equivalent) from all types of schools—public, charter, private, parochial, or independent—are eligible for the Withrow CTO Award. Nominees must be CoSN members. CoSN Board members and their institutions are ineligible for CoSN awards.

CoSN Chapters are allowed to submit one nominee from their state for each award.  If your chapter submits a nominee, no other submissions from that state will be considered. Only current CoSN members may be considered for the CoSN Withrow Award.

Nominations are due 11/28/2023

You must answer all the questions in one sitting.  Answers are limited to 200 words.  See the questions below to plan in advance:

  1. LEADERSHIP: (200 Words) How has the nominee exhibited exemplary leadership in using information technologies to increase opportunities and accessibility for student learning? (Give examples of the roles and activities employed.)
  2. COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIPS: (200 Words) How has the nominee achieved desired changes through the development of relationships with parents, teachers and educational leaders?
  3. INNOVATION: (200 Words) How does the nominee use technology in innovative ways?
  4. IMPACT: (200 Words) How has achievement in learning been impacted in the district or agency under the nominee’s leadership? What data exists to validate impact?
  5. PUBLIC OR PRIVATE SECTOR PARTNERSHIPS: (200 Words) What partnerships and policies have been championed by the nominee to provide connectivity and/or increase learning by students?

Persons/Teams Awarded:

1000 (988 open slots)

Experience Required:

All Are Welcome to Apply


Peter Faust
Consortium for School Networking